Hi! Clare here,
I’m the founder and creator of Duchess Hot Chocolate.
I moved from London, England to Salt Lake City, Utah in December 2013. As I adjusted to the freezing weather I reached for hot chocolate to keep me cozy. Each one I tried just didn’t hit the spot or accommodate for me or my family’s dietary needs and that was disappointing and a problem that needed to be solved!
Problem: Hot chocolate tasted weak, was filled with corn syrup, synthetic sweeteners, stabilizers and preservatives.
Solution: Duchess uses simple ingredients, that you can read and identify with no synthetic sweeteners, no preservatives, and no stabilizers. Just a good honest recipe with no-nonsense.
Problem: 32 million Americans suffer from food allergies and terrible hot chocolate options.
My husband was diagnosed with Crohn’s disease in 2014, I have suffered from food intolerances for many years and when our son was born he had infant colitis so when I fed him, whatever I ate upset him too! Duchess has been developed to accommodate as many intolerances and allergies as possible* without sacrificing delicious flavor and silky luxurious texture.
Problem: Sometimes I need a great gift but it’s hard to find something for loved ones with dietary restrictions (and lets face it, even the dairy options aren’t great!)
My lovely Mum taught me to share, so I wanted Duchess to not only be amazing but to be beautiful on the outside and gorgeous on the inside. A perfect gift, no need for a bow. Just a tub of Duchess given with love.
I missed the thick, creamy, deep hot chocolate from home, the kind that left a lingering taste of quality cocoa and a warmth that I like to call a “tummy cuddle”, so I made Duchess and wanted to share it with you. So go get yourself a tub before they’re gone, because sometimes we can’t keep up (especially when the snow comes to give us a hand!).
*Duchess Hot Chocolate recipe does not contain Dairy, Gluten, Soy, Nuts, Eggs or Shellfish. Duchess Hot Chocolate is made and packaged in a facility that produces other products that contain allergens.